September 30, 2023
October 2023 is “Free Wills Month”. The initiative brings together a group of well-respected charities to offer members of the public aged 55 and over the opportunity to have their simple wills written or updated free of charge by using participating solicitors.
Most UK charities depend on legacies for up to half their income and so the “Free Wills Month” highlights how important it is to encourage supporters to think of these good causes when deciding who is to benefit from their wills.
By signing up to this initiative, the team at Bates Wells & Braithwaite Ipswich is offering to draw up a simple will that accurately reflects the wishes of the individual or couple. Although those taking up the offer are under no obligation to leave a gift to one of the “Free Wills Month” charities, raising awareness of the importance of legacies to these charities and encouraging participants to see this as a chance to help their favourite cause is clearly the basis of this scheme.
We also reserve the right to define whether your will can be classified as simple based on your requirements, and if your will is considered to be more complex, then we may charge a fee. However, we anticipate that the majority of the those who take part in this scheme will require a simple will.
The members of our wills, trusts & probate team will have a limited number of appointments in relation to the scheme throughout October. If you would like to ensure that you and the nominated charities can benefit from one of these appointments, please call us on 01473 219282.