June 23, 2023
Bates Wells & Braithwaite partner Scott Emsden talks to MyBump2Baby founder Carla Lett in this podcast exploring domestic abuse, how to recognise it and what help is available to you if you are experiencing such cruelty within your relationship.
As Scott emphasises in the podcast: “The government definition of domestic abuse is that it is any incident or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse, which includes psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional, which takes place between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.” Scott talks to Carla about the various local organisations, including his own firm, which can provide support to victims of abuse and guides her through some of the legal procedures in place for victims ready to leave an abusive relationship.
Bates Wells & Braithwaite is delighted to be the MyBump2Baby selected expert family law firm for Ipswich and to have the opportunity to contribute to these expert podcasts which provide help and advice to parents.
MyBump2Baby was launched in 2016, inspired by Carla’s passion for linking together small businesses and growing families. Starting as a simple personal blog but soon transformed into the current website, a platform where parents come to find local pregnancy to pre-school services and where they can find information on parenting issues and the latest products.